We offer the very best advice and legal representation, from expert solicitors, covering all aspects of family law including:
Divorce and dissolution of civil partnerships.
The breakdown of unmarried relationships.
Financial issues arising from divorce and the breakdown of unmarried relationships, which may involve questions about maintenance, your home and your other assets including pensions and your business.
Prenuptual agreements and cohabitation agreements.
Questions about your children.
Court proceedings and alternatives to court such as mediation, and Collaborative law.
How we work with you
Where possible we like to meet you, so that we can get to know you and understand your concerns better. We will give you a clearer understanding of what is likely to be involved and what the future may hold. The current restrictions on movement and social contact mean that meeting will have to be by phone, in any event it will be free of charge.
Then we will then advise you clearly about the options available to you, and help you to make the right choices. We will also help you to choose the best approach to secure the right outcome for you and we will negotiate on your behalf. If necessary we will guide you through court proceedings, and represent you in court.
We offer the very best service. If you email us we will respond within a couple of hours. If you prefer to call we will always speak to you if we can, and if we can’t we will call you back on the same day, usually within a couple of hours.
How we structure our fees
What we will charge you is based on an hourly rate, but at each stage we will give you a clear estimate of the cost of the steps you have asked us to undertake, and we will stand by that estimate unless something truly unexpected happens. So you will always be clear about how much your legal fees will be, and there will be no unexpected charges.